
Medieval Dynasty, Steam 공식 이미지 中

[Medieval Dynasty] 미디블 다이너스티 주민| 배우자 | 직업별 | 대화 | 대답 | 선택지 | 호감도 | 결혼 공략법


Medieval Dynasty에서 마을을 만들면 배우자를 만들어 내가 사는 집에 함께 살 수 있습니다. 결혼하여 아이를 낳는 것은 게임 내에서 가문을 이어가기 위한 필수 절차입니다. 주민 호감도와 마찬가지로 배우자의 호감도도 직업마다 대답에 따른 변화가 다릅니다.

결혼을 하면 배우자를 통해 스킬을 초기화시키거나 체력을 회복시킬 수 있습니다. 또, 특정 대화 선택지를 통해 아이를 가질 수 있습니다.

마을에 이미 속해 있는 원주민은 배우자로 공략할 수 없습니다. 아무 마을에도 소속되어있지 않은 주민의 기본 호감도가 60 이상이면 새로운 선택지가 나타나고 청혼에 필요한 애정도를 올릴 수 있습니다. 공략할 주민의 직업은 이전 포스팅에서 설명한 대로 Alt 키를 눌러 가장 높은 스킬을 확인하거나 주민이 낮에 하는 행동을 관찰하여 알 수 있습니다.



Medieval Dynasty는 아직 한글화가 되지 않은 게임이므로, 대화 선택지도 영어로 작성합니다.

일이나 특성을 칭찬하는 말로 애정도를 올릴 수 있습니다.
질문 호감도 변화 주민의 대답
Did anyone ever tell you that you have beautiful eyes? 0 Sorry, not interested.
How have you been lately? +2 I'm doing fine, thank you for the offer.
I admire your dedication to your work... +10 Thank you very much. I'm glad that someone sees how much I put my heart into work…
I admire your honesty... +10 I try to be as honest as I can be. I'm glad someone appreciates this virtuous trait of mine.
I recently went hunting and took on a bear... -2 Sure you did, and I'm the queen.
My lady, I cannot help but compliment your shapely figure. 0 Yes, yes, I know, thank you.
My lady, you seem very fit, you look like a strong boar. -10 Are you calling me fat!? You pig!
We should go out to have a lunch by the river sometime... +2 It could actually be nice, I'm looking forward to it.
What an amazing dress you have. It suits you very well. +5 Why thank you? I'm glad someone finally noticed. I spend a lot of time choosing just the right one.
You know, having a lot of money like I do, makes life a lot easier. 0 Sorry, not interested.
You know, I like you a lot. -2 You should be more creative in showing your affection, you know?
You know, I'm quite strong. It works like a charm on ladies. +5 You do look… reliable.
You know, on my way here I saw a patch of beautiful flowers... +5 What kind of flowers were there? I bet they were roses!
You look as beautiful as that blue sky today! 0 Sorry, not interested.
You look beautiful today. +5 As I always do, thank you.


칭찬과 일상적인 대화로 애정도를 올리기 쉽습니다.
질문 호감도 변화 주민의 대답
Did anyone ever tell you that you have beautiful eyes? +5 You really think so? Thank you…
How have you been lately? +10 I… I'm fine… Thank you, it's really sweet of you to care about me so much.
I admire your dedication to your work... +5 Haha, thank you. It's tough at times, but being appreciated like that makes it all worth it.
I admire your honesty... -2 Oh, have I been rude? Sorry, if I came across as such.
I recently went hunting and took on a bear... +2 It must have been scary! I'm glad you're OK.
My lady, I cannot help but compliment your shapely figure. -5 Aren't you a little too overt?
My lady, you seem very fit, you look like a strong boar. +2 That's what working outdoors will do to you. Thank you, I guess
We should go out to have a lunch by the river sometime... +5 It would be fun. We should do that one day!
What an amazing dress you have. It suits you very well. 0 It's rather simple and dirty. Not really sure what you see in it...
You know, having a lot of money like I do, makes life a lot easier. -10 I bet it does…
You know, I like you a lot. 0 I mean, we're good friends, right?
You know, I'm quite strong. It works like a charm on ladies. -5 Look at you, aren't you a little full of yourself?
You know, on my way here I saw a patch of beautiful flowers... +5 That's sweet.
You look as beautiful as that blue sky today! +5 Flatterer, aren't you? Well, thank you either way.
You look beautiful today. +5 Thank you. You look nice as well.


사냥과 관련된 대화로 애정도를 올릴 수 있습니다.
질문 호감도 변화 주민의 대답
Did anyone ever tell you that you have beautiful eyes? 0 Flattery like that won't get you very far.
How have you been lately? 0 That sounded a little condescending. I can manage on my own.
I admire your dedication to your work... +2 It's a dangerous job, but someone has to do it.
I admire your honesty... +2 I try to be open, but I think it's not something you should be praising...
I recently went hunting and took on a bear... +10 Oh, you did? What kind of approach have you taken?...
My lady, I cannot help but compliment your shapely figure. +5 You don't look half bad yourself, you know.
My lady, you seem very fit, you look like a strong boar. +5 Haha, stop it. Beautiful creatures, aren't they?...
We should go out to have a lunch by the river sometime... +10 Ohh! I know just the spot! It's really soothing to...
-5 Not when it is this cold...? (Winter)
What an amazing dress you have. It suits you very well. -5 Don't even remind me. It's so impractical...
You know, having a lot of money like I do, makes life a lot easier. -2 You're really boastful, do you know that?
You know, I like you a lot. -1 I think we should get to know each other a little better...
You know, I'm quite strong. It works like a charm on ladies. -2 Right … Like a charm …
You know, on my way here I saw a patch of beautiful flowers... +10 I'm not that easily flattered … Thank you.
You look as beautiful as that blue sky today! +2 Thank you.
You look beautiful today. +2 Thank you.


구애 선택지 중 'You know, I like you a lot.' 은 직업을 막론하고 모두 애정도를 깎는 선택지입니다. 하지만 만약 애정도가 60이상이라면, 반대로 애정도를 높일 수 있는 선택지입니다. 그러니 대뜸 고백하지 마시고 천천히 다가가세요:)


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